This is a list of our publications, dating back to 2000. Articles that are available as a pdf are listed after the citation.
A list of papers published before 2000 is available here
O’Daly, S. H., Hennon, G. M., Kelly, T. B., Strom, S. L., & McDonnell, A. M. P. (2024). Strong and efficient summertime carbon export driven by aggregation processes in a subarctic coastal ecosystem. Limnology and Oceanography.
Strom, S. L., Bright, K. J., & Fredrickson, K. A. (2024). Widespread ciliate and dinoflagellate mixotrophy may contribute to ecosystem resilience in a subarctic sea: the northern Gulf of Alaska. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 90, 1-21.
Strom, S., & Northern Gulf of Alaska Long-Term Ecosystem Research Team. (2023). Recent Marine Heatwaves Affect Marine Ecosystems from Plankton to Seabirds in the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Oceanography 36(1).
Lindeberg, M. R., Baker, M., Dickson, D. M., Kimmel, D. G., Ormseth, O. A., Strom, S. L., & Suryan, R. M. (2022). Long-term monitoring and integrated research–understanding ecosystem processes in the Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 206, 105208.
Strom, S.L., Barberi, O., Mazur, C., Bright, K.B., Fredrickson, K.A. 2020. High light stress reduces dinoflagellate predation on phytoplankton through both direct and indirect responses. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 84: 43-57.
Cooney, E.C., Fredrickson, K.A., Bright, K.J., Strom, S.L. 2019. Contrasting effects of high intensity photosynthetically active radiation on two bloom-forming dinoflagellates., Journal of Phycology 55: 1082-1095.
Doyle, M.J., Strom, S.L., Coyle, K.O., Hermann, A.J., Ladd, C., Matarese, A.C., Shotwell, K., Hopcroft, R.R. 2019. Early life history phenology among Gulf of Alaska fish species: strategies, synchronies, and sensitivities. Deep-Sea Research II 165: 41-73.
Strom, S.L., Fredrickson, K.A., Bright, K.J. 2019. Microzooplankton in the coastal Gulf of Alaska: Regional, seasonal and interannual variations. Deep-Sea Research II 165: 192-202.
Strom, S.L., Bright, K.J., Fredrickson, K.A., Cooney, E.C. 2018. Phytoplankton defenses: Do Emiliania huxleyi coccoliths protect against microzooplankton predators? Limnology and Oceanography 63: 617-627.
Janouškovec, J., Gavelis, G.S., Burki, F., Dinh, D., Bachvaroff, T.R., Gornik, S.G., Bright, K.J., Imanian, B., Strom, S.L., Delwiche, C.F., Waller, R.F., Fensome, R.A., Leander, B.S., Rohwer, F., Saldarriaga, J.F. 2017. Major transitions in dinoflagellate evolution and functions unveiled by phylotranscriptomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114: E171-E180, doi:10.1073/pnas.1614842114.
Strom, S.L., Bright, K.J., Fredrickson, K.A., Brahamsha, B. 2017. The Synechococcus cell surface protein SwmA increases vulnerability to predation by flagellates and ciliates. Limnology and Oceanography 62: 784-794.
Olson, M.B., T. Wuori, B.A. Love, S.L. Strom. 2017. Ocean acidification effects on haploid and diploid Emiliania huxleyi strains: why changes in cell size matter. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 488: 72-82.
Strom, S.L., K.J. Bright, K.A. Fredrickson, B. Brahamsha. 2016. The Synechococcus cell surface protein SwmA increases vulnerability to predation by flagellates and ciliates. Limnology and Oceanography 62: 784-794.
Strom, S.L., K.A. Fredrickson, K.J Bright. 2016. Spring phytoplankton in the eastern coastal Gulf of Alaska: Photosynthesis and production during high and low bloom years. Deep-Sea Research II 132: 107-121.
Stabeno, P.J., N.A. Bond, N.B. Kachel, C. Ladd, C.W. Mordy and S.L. Strom. 2016. Southeast Alaskan shelf from southern tip of Baranof Island to Kayak Island: Currents, mixing and chlorophyll-a. Deep-Sea Research II 132: 6-23.
Echevarria, M.L., G.V Wolfe, S.L. Strom, A.R Taylor. Connecting alveolate cell biology with trophic ecology in the marine plankton. (Mini-review) FEMS Microbiology Ecology 90: 18-38.
Gentekaki, E., M. Kolisko, V. Boscaro, K.J. Bright, F. Dini, G. Di Giuseppe, Y. Gong, C. Miceli, L. Modeo, R. E. Molestina, G. Petroni, S. Pucciarelli, A.J. Roger, S.L Strom, D.H. Lynn. 2014. Large-scale phylogenomic analysis reveals the phylogenetic position of the problematic taxon Protocruzia and unravels the deep phylogenetic affinities of the ciliate lineages. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 78: 36-42.
Kolb, A. and S.L. Strom. 2013. An inducible antipredatory defense in haploid cells of the marine microalga Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae). Limnology and Oceanography. 58: 932-944. *
Strom, S.L., E.L. Harvey, K.A. Fredrickson and S. Menden-Deuer. 2013. Broad salinity tolerance as a refuge from predation in the harmful raphidophyte alga Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae). Journal of Phycology 49: 20–31. *
Strom, S.L., B. Brahamsha, K.A. Fredrickson, J.K. Apple and A. Gutiérrez Rodríguez. 2012. A giant cell surface protein in Synechococcus WH8102 inhibits feeding by a dinoflagellate predator. Environmental Microbiology 14(3): 807-816.
Apple, J.K., S.L. Strom, B. Palenik and B. Brahamsha. 2011. Variability in protist grazing and growth on different marine Synechococcus isolates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 3074-3084.
Fredrickson, K.A., S.L. Strom, R. Crim and K. Coyne. 2011. Inter-strain variability in physiology and genetics of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) from the west coast of North America. Journal of Phycology 47: 25-35. *
Hunt, G.L, Jr., Baker, T., Bond, N., Buck, G., Byrd, G.V., Coyle, K.O., Devol, A., Eggers, D.M., Eisner, L., Feely, R., Fitzgerald, S., Gritsay, E.V., Ladd, C., Mathis, J., Mordy, C., Mueter, F., Napp, J., Sherr, E., Shull, D., Stabeno, P., Stepanenko, M.A., Strom, S., Whitledge, T. 2010. Status and trends of the Bering Sea region, 2003-2008, pp 196-267. In S.M. McKinnell and M.J. Dagg [Eds.] Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008. PICES Special Publication 4, 393 p.
Menden-Deuer S., K.A. Fredrickson and S.L. Strom. 2010. Formation and decline of a Heterosigma akashiwo layer in East Sound, Washington, USA, p. 98-103. In K. C. Ho, M. Y. Zhou, and Y.Z. Qi [Eds.], Harmful algae 2008. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae, Hong Kong. *
Graham, S.L. and S.L. Strom. 2010. Growth and grazing of microzooplankton in response to the harmful alga Heterosigma akashiwo in prey mixtures. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 59: 111–124. *
Strom, S.L., E.L. Macri and K.A. Fredrickson. 2010. Light limitation of summer primary production in the coastal Gulf of Alaska: physiological and environmental causes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 402: 45-57. *
Strom, S.L. and K.A. Fredrickson. 2010. Modeling the concentration of exuded dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) in the boundary layer – a response. Journal of Plankton Research 32: 259-260. *
Strom, S.L. and K.J. Bright. 2009. Inter-strain differences in nitrogen use by the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi, and consequences for predation by a planktonic ciliate. Harmful Algae 8: 811–816. *
Dagg, M., S. Strom, and H. Liu. 2009. High feeding rates on large particles by Neocalanus flemingeri and N. plumchrus, and consequences for phytoplankton community structure in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I 56: 716-726.
Fredrickson, K.A. and S.L. Strom. 2009. The algal osmolyte DMSP as a microzooplankton grazing deterrent in laboratory and field studies. Journal of Plankton Research 31: 135–152. *
Strom, S.L. and K.A. Fredrickson. 2008. Intense stratification leads to phytoplankton nutrient limitation and reduced microzooplankton grazing in the southeastern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research 55: 1761-1774. *
Hunt, G.L., P.J. Stabeno, S. Strom and J. M. Napp. 2008. Patterns of spatial and temporal variation in the marine ecosystem of the southeastern Bering Sea, with special reference to the Pribilof Domain. Deep-Sea Research 55: 1919-1944. *
Strom, S.L. 2008. Microbial Ecology of Ocean Biogeochemistry: A Community Perspective. Science 320: 1043-1045. *
Strom, S.L., E.L. Macri and M.B. Olson. 2007. Microzooplankton grazing in the coastal Gulf of Alaska: Variations in top-down control of phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1480-1494. *
Strom, S.L., G.V. Wolfe and K.J. Bright. 2007. Responses of marine planktonic protists to amino acids: feeding inhibition and swimming behavior in the ciliate Favella sp. Featured Article, Aquatic Microbial Ecology 47: 107-121. *
Strom, S.L., M.B. Olson, E.L. Macri and C.W. Mordy. 2006. Cross-shelf gradients in phytoplankton community structure, nutrient utilization, and growth rate in the northern coastal Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 328: 75–92. *
Jakobsen, H.H., L.M. Everett and S.L. Strom. 2006. Hydromechanical signaling between the ciliate Mesodinium pulex and motile protist prey. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 44: 197-206. *
Liu, H., M.J. Dagg and S. Strom. 2005. Grazing by the calanoid copepod Neocalanus cristatus on the microbial foodweb in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Plankton Research 27: 647-662. *
Clough, J. and S. Strom. 2005. Effects of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) on protist grazers: laboratory experiments with ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 39: 121-134. *
Jakobsen, H. and S. Strom. 2004. Circadian cycles in growth and feeding rates of heterotrophic protist plankton. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 1915-1922. *
Bingham, B.L., S.D. Sulkin, S.L. Strom and G. Muller-Parker. 2003. Increasing diversity in the marine sciences through the Minorities in Marine Science Undergraduate Program. Journal of Geoscience Education 51: 474-480. *
Gentleman, W., Leising, A., Frost, B., Strom, S, Murray, J. 2003. Functional responses for zooplankton feeding on multiple resources: a review of assumptions and biological dynamics. Deep-Sea Research II 50: 2847-2875. *
Strom, S.L., G.V. Wolfe, J.L. Holmes, H.A. Stecher, C. Shimeneck, S. Lambert, and E. Moreno. 2003. Chemical defense in the microplankton I: Feeding and growth rates of heterotrophic protists on the DMS-producing phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi. Limnology and Oceanography 48: 217-229. *
Strom, S.L., G.V. Wolfe, A. Slajer, S. Lambert, and J. Clough. 2003. Chemical defense in the microplankton II: Inhibition of protist feeding by b-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). Limnology and Oceanography 48: 230-237. *
Strom, S.L. 2002. Novel interactions between phytoplankton and microzooplankton: their influence on the coupling between growth and grazing rates in the sea. Hydrobiologia 480: 41-54. *
Olson, M.B. and S.L. Strom. 2002. Phytoplankton growth, microzooplankton herbivory and community structure in the southeast Bering Sea: insight into the formation and temporal persistence of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom. Deep-Sea Research II 49: 5969-5990. *
Wolfe, G.V., S.L. Strom, J.L. Holmes, T. Radzio, and M.B. Olson. 2002. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate cleavage by marine phytoplankton in response to mechanical, chemical, or dark stress. Journal of Phycology 38: 948-960.
Weingartner, T J., K. Coyle, B. Finney, R. Hopcroft, T. Whitledge, R. Brodeur, M. Dagg, E. Farley, D. Haidvogel, L. Haldorson, A. Hermann, S. Hinckley, J. Napp, P. Stabeno, T. Kline, C. Lee, E. Lessard, T. Royer, S. Strom. 2002. The northeast Pacific GLOBEC program: coastal Gulf of Alaska. Oceanography 15(2): 48-63.
Strom, S.L. 2001. Light-aided digestion, grazing and growth in herbivorous protists. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 23: 253-261.
Strom, S.L., M.A. Brainard, J.L. Holmes, and M.B. Olson. 2001. Phytoplankton blooms are strongly impacted by microzooplankton grazing in coastal Pacific Northwest waters. Marine Biology 138: 355-368.
Hinz, S., S. Sulkin, S. Strom, and J. Testermann. 2001. Discrimination in ingestion of protistan prey by larval crabs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 222:155-162.
Strom, S.L. 2000. Bacterivory: interactions between bacteria and their grazers, p. 351-386. In: D. L. Kirchman (ed.), Microbial ecology of the oceans. Wiley-Liss, New York.
Strom, S.L., C.B. Miller, and B.W. Frost. 2000. What sets lower limits to phytoplankton stocks in high-nitrate, low-chlorophyll regions of the open ocean? Marine Ecology Progress Series 193: 19-31.
Goericke, R., Strom, S., and Bell, M. A. 2000. Distribution and sources of cyclic pheophorbides in the marine environment. Limnology and Oceanography 45: 200-211.